Exploring Payment Options For Hospice Care

There are many reasons as to why you or a loved one may be considering hospice care. Generally, the goal of hospice care is not necessarily recovery from an illness or medical condition, but helping to ensure that the patient lives as comfortable and enjoyable of a life as possible during an advanced illness. And even though hospice care tends to be less expensive than a traditional hospital stay, it's understandable that you might be wondering what your options are when it comes to paying for it.

Medicare or Medicaid

If you have Medicare of Medicaid, then you should be covered for hospice care. However, with Medicare, you'll want to check with local hospice care facilities to see which ones accept Medicare coverage for payment; some will, and some will not. To get Medicare to pay for hospice care, it may also be necessary to meet with a physician and the hospice care director for approval.

Most states include hospice care as part of their Medicaid programs, with similar terms as that of Medicare. If you're having trouble affording hospice care, consider applying for Medicaid to receive these benefits.

Private Insurance

If you have health insurance through an employer, a spouse,or an individual policy, you'll want to contact your insurance company to see if they provide coverage for hospice care, as most standard health insurance policies these days do. However, specific coverage can vary greatly from company to company, so don't be surprised if you still have to pay a deductible or if all of your hospice care expenses aren't 100% covered.

Out-of-Pocket Payment

Finally, if you don't have insurance, aren't on Medicare, and don't qualify for Medicaid, you can usually work out an out-of-pocket payment plan with the hospice care director. Furthermore, some hospice facilities that operate primarily on donations may offer you or a loved one the care that's needed at no charge, or on a sliding scale based on income. Many hospice care facilities won't turn down a person in need simply because of their inability to pay, so no matter what your financial situation may be life, the good news is that you have options.

As you can see, there are several options available when it comes to paying for hospice care; be sure to consider which method of payment makes the most sense based on your specific needs and your current financial situation as well. Contact professionals, such as those from Orchard Hill at Sudbury Assisted Living Community, for further assistance.
